Tag Archives: party

Lola Loves… A vinyl record cake stand

Hi, hello there. Erm, can you just excuse me for a minute while I…..   Eeeeeekkkkk! Shrrreeeeekkkkk!  OMG! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Arrrrrrggghhhh!

There. That’s better. Thanks for waiting, it’s just my love for this record cake stand became a bit too much!

Don’t you love it too?! It’s so easy to make – just assemble a few records to a standard cake stand fitting and voila! Obviously don’t go using your favourite vinyl (I was pretty happy to find S-Express in a charity shop for £1. Not so happy to have ‘I’ve got the hots for you!’ ringing my head for two days! It’s still there, manically singing away.)

I had to dismantle my other cake stand so that I could use the fitting to make this one but I’ll be eBaying for another ‘3 tier cake stand fitting’ in about seven minutes.

Now. How to show it off? I’m thinking of having an 80’s house party for my birthday next month.

*It’s 30 days until I’m 30! I get swathes of anxiety thinking about it. Celebrating the countdown, I woke up to a pre-birthday card which included tickets to the David Shrigley exhibition tomorrow (more on that in a later post, I’m sure!) It was a wonderful surprise and I’m super chuffed, although I now feel like a ticking bomb. What happen’s in 30 days? Perhaps, instead of exploding like a popped balloon, I  wither like a deflated one. I feel overwhelming urges to buy some industrial anti-wrinkle cream RIGHT NOW!

Back to the cake stand. I’m thinking I can fill a few record bowls with retro sweets and place vol-au-vents, scotch eggs and cheese and pineapple on the stand. Oh, won’t my guests be thrilled with the selection; did we really all eat this junk? At least I still like rice crispy cakes!

Have you got any tips for an 80’s party you can help me with? Do you know any typically 80s craft projects I can use for decoration? Maybe you have a food, music or cocktail suggestion? Any help is muchly appreciated!

Lola loves… Blighty style bunting!

Here’s some oh-so-simple bunting I made in honour of our recently betrothed Royals. The nation has gone bunting mad, but I can see why – it’s quick, cheap and easy to make, but looks pretty darn cute.

Okay, so it’s pretty self obvious how to make bunting, but here’s how I did it for those too lazy to think…

I used off-cuts of wallpaper from B&Q (hey, it’s not stealing, I may decide to wallpaper my walls at some point). Using a template I then drew triangle shapes, two for each triangle so that two can be stuck together making the bunting pretty from both sides.

First, I used a template to mark bunting shapes

I then stuck the triangles together (pretty side up, of course), leaving the top without glue so that I could stick the string to them later. I trimmed the edges of any that didn’t fit quite perfectly.

Stick the pairs together leaving a section at the top

Once all the pairs are stuck and have dried, then simply attached string or ribbon by gluing it at the top where you have left it unglued.
Leave to dry again and hang it up! Mine looked very pretty in the garden with home-made tea lights.

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